A message to parents and soon-to-be parents

As a parent, I know how intense the role is. I love it and wouldn’t trade it for anything. But it’s the hardest role I’ve ever played. Beyond ideals of living the dream and having a beautiful family full of love and connection, there is the very real day to day experience of facing ourselves and all our personality patterns and deeper wounds in the constant reflection of our most intimate relationships at home. 

Doing these workshops prior to having a baby gave me birth training. We literally learn how to “let go” of our pain, our self-protections and defenses, and open to trust and love. That is very hard to make tangible, but the workshop processes guide you through it. It’s a path to the actual birthing process as well. It was better preparation than the two birthing classes I took. Birth is so much more than the physical act that it’s portrayed as. Most importantly it’s an energetic act. I needed to be able to emotionally handle physical pain, how to work with that energy in my body/mind, and to move beyond the fear of pain and destruction and death. Birthing takes women to that edge and then beyond it. In a different context, that is what we do in workshops. We confront our deepest fears, call forth and release the roots of both emotional and physical pain - these two are inextricably connected. Going through the process with myself before having a baby was all I needed in order to stay present, focused and energized during birth. I had already walked the steps before, I could do it again. I was able to have a wonderful and healthy home birth, and enjoy the experience to the fullest. I’ll always be grateful that my child and I started our life together this way.

Doing these workshops as a parent of a young child was the best support I could have given myself in the early years. The processes we go through took me deep into my own psyche and body to explore, discover and express the most essential parts of myself. Getting in touch and connected with myself was exactly what a new mom needed, so that I could really be there for my kid, day in and day out, and have compassion for their experience of growing pains through infancy and toddler years. There’s big emotions and expressions coming out of them, and it’s hard to handle. It would have been nearly impossible to handle without the support of this personal work, it really kept me resourced to be the best parent I could be. And the results were right there looking back at me. Many people notice and comment on my parenting style which is unique to me because I did the work it takes to fully show up again and again. 

Now we’re in the teen years, and things are intense again. I’m still doing my own work. I have to keep myself clear and ready to respond to the complex needs of my teen. 

Becoming a parent is undoubtedly one of life's most challenging and triggering roles. It's a profound journey of joy, love, and connection, but it can also be a path strewn with challenges, frustrations, and generational patterns that shape our parenting style.

By delving into the kind of deep self-development work we do at the Institute, you open the door to a conscious and connected parenting experience. Understanding your own family patterns and conditioning is the key to breaking free from dysfunctional and painful cycles and nurturing a more harmonious and intentional family life.

Here's why this work is invaluable:

Unlocking Awareness: As a parent, uncovering your own conditioning and family patterns is like shining a light on the hidden aspects of your parenting style. This newfound awareness empowers you to make conscious choices and break free from detrimental cycles.

Healing and Growth: By addressing your own inner wounds and triggers, you pave the way for personal healing and growth. When you heal yourself, you model emotional resilience and self-compassion for your children.

Connecting Deeper: This journey allows you to forge stronger, more authentic connections with your children. Understanding your own story helps you relate to theirs, creating a space for empathy and open communication.

Empowering Your Kids: The work you do on yourself as a parent is a gift to your children. It equips them with emotional intelligence, resilience, and the knowledge that it's okay to embrace their authentic selves.

Breaking the Generational Chain: By becoming aware of your family's patterns and conditioning, you have the power to release those patterns and replace them with healthier, more nurturing behaviors.

Parenting is the hardest job, but it's also so rewarding. So, for all you parents (and soon to be parents!), join us at the Institute for an incredible journey of deep self-development and self-discovery as we explore the transformative power of conscious connection with yourself and everyone in your life. Let's break free from the past, heal, and create a brighter, more harmonious future for ourselves and our children.



Shannon is a volunteer for the Awareness Institute.

Shannon F

Shannon F is a volunteer for the Awareness Institute.


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